
Though the writing journey started some time back for this author, The Waiz Chronicles’ first book officially released just a few weeks ago! That means the marketing ride has just begun.


I had the privilege of speaking at my first public school in Samson, Alabama, for Read Across America Week. It was an amazing group of encouraging and precocious 6th-10th graders.



I LOVE this part of my job!!



One student did a fabulous write-up of this event on RickeyStokesNews.com: http://www.rickeystokesnews.com/article.php/dothan-author-mikelyn-bolden-visits-samson-middle-school-students-40581

Much of March also looked like this:



I was invited to Faine Elementary School for a day of fun!

You can read more here: http://www.dothaneagle.com/news/article_9ea142be-9d83-11e2-978d-001a4bcf6878.html?mode=story

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If you haven’t checked out the last blog, several students from Faine interviewed me and wrote an awesome article: http://mikelynbolden.com/guest-blogger-faine-news-network/

The finale of April was . . . finishing Book Two (still not named)


This picture captures a particularly special moment in this process. These pages hold my favorite scene in this next book. I wrote the scene years ago . . . I’m floored as to how it fits perfectly into my present writing and story.

The beginning of May was spent abroad (I’ll post more later). I predict the rest of May can be summed up into three words: edit, edit, edit.

Thanks for staying in the loop!