22 thoughts on “Welcome Video and Vlog #1

    • The fruit of your labor is definitely written on these pages…hope that is a tremendous encouragement to you. You have empowered me. m

  1. Stunning! Spectacular! Fantastic! Incredible! Wonderful! Exciting! Impressive! Engaging! Extraordinary! Awesome! Delightful! What can I say? You are all that and more! Way to go! Congrats! Chat soon! HUGE fan!

    • You took the words right out of my mouth. 🙂 This site is proof that our friendship was never a random “coincidence.” Thank you for your support! m

  2. You are freedom unleashed and I am so glad to be on this journey with you! Loving watching your destiny unfold! You do rock! 🙂

    • “freedom unleashed” – I’m taking that one. Thank you for keeping me focused…I will walk on water. Love you! m

  3. The vlog is such a cool idea! Love seeing you just being you. We love you and are so proud to be part of your fan base! You are magnificent!!

    Love the blue hair! You go girl!

  4. I am very impressed with the professional presentation of all information. The preparation and hard work are evident. Excellent job!
    It is fun to see you in “your zone”.

    • Thanks, Grant. We so appreciate your insight and wisdom regarding business stuff! So excited for your nomination! m

  5. The peek into your book is absolutely fascinating, and most creative. I love your careful thought in forming a glossary to assist the reader and to help differentiate between Differe and Old and New Waiz. I can’t wait to buy the book to uncover more…Please send me your future Vlogs, as I also enjoyed hearing from the author directly. To you and a job well done!

    • Thank you, Susan! I’m so glad the glossary helped out. 🙂 If you look on the right side of the blog, you will find a section that reads “Subscribe to Blog.” You can type in your email address (this remains private – no sharing of information on here) and click the “subscribe” button so that the vlog/blog updates will be sent to you automatically. Have loved seeing you lately! m

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