My mom says there’s always something that happens to signature an event. For those of you who lived through my “something” with me…thank you.
November 8th Launch party invitations are mailed and over 60 people volunteer to help with the big shindig. I can never thank you all enough!!!

November 12th An emergency print-run is ordered because the large print will not be ready in time for the party.
November 19th Said goodbye to a lovely storyteller, my grandmother.

November 22nd Celebrated Thanksgiving in NYC and hopefully snapped a pic of Book 2’s cover.

(This isn’t it, but it’s close by…and I liked this one a lot)
November 26th (Party in 3 days) I get sick, and the books aren’t here.
November 27th The books aren’t here.
November 28th I finally break down and get a shot. I also help get the venue ready with my army of volunteers and wait for the books to arrive…they don’t.
November 29th (Party Day)
9:00am I dye my hair, of course.
11:15am I drop off my Kindle for one of the party readers to practice with until the books arrive.

12:30pm The trucking company calls with a delivery for TOMORROW…and their driver is already gone for the day.
1:15pm My husband and his best friend head out to Tallahassee (2 hours away) with a truck and trailer.
1:30pm Good friends call and remind me to laugh.
2:00pm My college roommates call to say their on the way from Atlanta…one with a 2-week old baby.

4:00pm I arrive at one of the coolest venues in town. The volunteers are buzzing and the place looks amazing…minus no books.

4:15pm I attempt to explain purchasing information to volunteers…my husband was in charge of that.
4:30pm As I welcome in all the wonderful people arriving I almost forget there’s nothing for them to buy. (My ridiculously talented “readers” for the evening)

4:45pm I’m told the books are arriving.
4:47pm I dash outside to catch a glimpse of my knights in shining armor, but have to wait. Ironically enough, I wait on the curb with the speech therapy gals from my old job.

4:50pm I see the truck.

4:52pm I welcome my knights…sometimes they wear camo.

4:55pm I see the book.

4:56pm I hug my mom.

5:00pm It’s time to party…for real. (“Farthest Drive Award” recipient – brother from Nashville)

Thank you all for coming! I’ll be posting lots more pics on the Facebook Page tomorrow.
Much Love and Happy Reading!
P.S. As I was told numerous times in November, always choose to celebrate no matter what…even if something is missing.